Memories [: xoxo October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 June 2010 October 2010 herrr;
prefered to be called; αfәәqαннн! 29 sept when my WISHES came TRUE! ITE Balestier where i gain more knowledge! :D i'm a friendly gerl which loves to make NEW FREN! people that dont noe me think i'm quiet but people who noes me wish i was! ur JUDGEMENT isnt needed! plz keep it to urself! HATE me as much as u want coz i dont even CARE! get a LIFE okey ppl?! :D im a BELIEBER♥ tagged MSN • • collection of WINNIE THE POOH! • Craps;
▪ aziahbabeylo ▪ diniy ▪ ezza ▪ fadilah ▪ fatin ▪ fauzie laily ▪ feegundu ▪ farouq ▪ fa.tea.nah ▪ fazleen ▪ hapyz ▪ hidayat ▪ hudaz ▪ izyan ▪ kak safa ▪ keerah ▪ kiddysayang ▪ kyn ▪ lily ▪ nayla ▪ nuriha ▪ priya ▪ qistina ▪ shabirah ▪ sihao ▪ wahyuneee ▪ zanah ▪ zimi Thanks,
Friday, October 30, 2009,
♥ 11:55:00 PM
supzzzzzzzzzzzzz! i'm sleeping over at aunty's place todayy! hee~ didnt update my blog for two days! been very busy this wk for farish b'dae celebration tomorrow! decorations was done last minute! kecoh siot! supposed today went out wif huda & fatinah but i cant coz i have to help wif the preparations! haiya! really really really really SORIE huda! i really cant make it to the outing wif u guys! den fatinah also say that she cant make it! i noe u're so PISSED OFF wif us! once again, i'm SORIE! okey, i'm DONE! hope tomorrow's party will be GREAT! will update again when i'm home on SUNDAY! :DD Labels: ]: Wednesday, October 28, 2009,
♥ 12:23:00 AM
HAPIE BIRTHDAY, FARISH! da 1yrs old seyy! may god bless u aye lil' baby! kakak fifi Loves you! :DD Labels: [: Monday, October 26, 2009,
♥ 10:51:00 PM
today was AWESOME! supposed to go jln2 wif FA.TEA.NAH but hv to be cancelled coz aunty asked me to come her house! so i brought FA.TEA.NAH along! ^___^ reached her place arnd 1.15 pm, waited for about almost 1-HOUR den went out! took 98 to aunty's house, reached there almost 3 pm! played arnd wif farish, den started our work! helped aunty to wrap goodies & "bunge-telor" for saturday's celebration! & guess wat, the "bunge-telor" is only a can of COKE! COOL kape?! den we ate NASI LEMAK; fuhhhhh, POWERRR! after eating, helped to pack some children's goodies! FA.TEA.NAH fought wif her bro' for the plastics! haha! 7.40 pm; home sweet home! ^^ MICHAEL JACKSON-THRILLER Saturday, October 24, 2009,
♥ 11:13:00 PM
look at this, very funny! This kid gets the worst case of stage fright ever. :DD MENDAK oii! okey, BYE! Labels: sleepy alrdy ; Friday, October 23, 2009,
♥ 11:57:00 PM
msg to fatinah-huda-zul-yunie-fakhri-hakim-ayat-afif-nazri ; chalet amcm? FARIS nk tau ASAP! PS: if u guys happen to read this msg, do text me okey! ty! Labels: [: ♥ 10:25:00 PM
haziq, this IRRITATING GUY! rambot cam........... haha! :DD Berita Harian; Jumaat, 23 oct 09 Labels: " biase la, mr popular ade. " ♥ 1:26:00 AM
was browsing through my pictures when i saw this! during TAUFIK's look-a-like contest! gmbr last yr siot! :DD Labels: the differences; Thursday, October 22, 2009,
♥ 10:22:00 PM
TRUE FRIENDSHIP isnt being inseperable, its being seperated & nothing CHANGES! Labels: iLOVEyouguys ; Wednesday, October 21, 2009,
♥ 10:15:00 PM
SA RANG HAE YO! * dont UNDERSTAND? den just SHUT-UP! :DD Labels: LoveisBLIND ; Tuesday, October 20, 2009,
♥ 11:55:00 PM
supzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz! currently listening to musics! boooooooring dokk! sat at home for the whole day; on comp since 4pm till now! haiya! i wanna work wif FA.TEA.NAH but dad insist! he asked me to work at KAPPA instead! WTH?! tgk uh camne ehk! will b going to aunty's either tomorrow or thurs; helping to pack goodies for farish B'DAE PARTY nxt wk! hee~ Labels: bawaku terbang ; Monday, October 19, 2009,
♥ 11:49:00 PM
supzzzzzzzzzzzz! i was at home for the whole day today! mendakk dokk! (".) okey, nothing much to eleborate! LAZY to go skool tomorrow! no need to go also cn! :DD Labels: boring sia ddk umah ; Saturday, October 17, 2009,
♥ 9:26:00 PM
[ LOVED! ] wassuuuuuuup! was so PISSED off yesterday! cant believe wat she said to me! FUCK la ehk! went to JP wif AIMAN just now! kecoh but CUTE! bought him a new notebook for drawing! hee~ A 6-month-old baby in a pram was hit by a train in Melbourne, Australia yesterday. Miraculously, the baby survived with just a bump to the head. Labels: " kau g MAMPOS suda " ; Thursday, October 15, 2009,
♥ 9:30:00 PM
[ i MISS our KRAZYNESS together! ] supzzzzzzzzzzzzz! today's ITE visit was okey uh! went to ITE BALESTIER; where we got to noe more bout some courses there & they also showed us bout CHUA CHU KANG campus! besar bodoh! haha! thought of taking INFO-COMMUNICATIONS course same as FA.TEA.NAH! seriously, gerek oii! u cn learn how to create a website urself & etc.. :DD OUR CLASS PHOTO! [ * BESTFRENS since 2003 * ; 7 years of frenship ] yesterday they came to my house for HARI RAYA! :DD Labels: naseb baek tk g ITE MACPHERSON ; Wednesday, October 14, 2009,
♥ 10:36:00 PM
yoyoyoyo! currently chatting wif huda! haha! " LAEN YG AKU TNYE, LAEN YG KAU JAWAB! " skali slh hari plak! kn da PAISEY! :DD today woke up early arnd 8 coz parents brought sis & me go JALAN²! morning went to JP; walk2, buy some stuffs den arnd 11.50 went back to fetch aiman & off to IMM to have LUNCH! 2.30 pm - home sweet home! :DD NOTE; * tomorrow will be going to ITE CCK! HAPIE 61th BIRTHDAY NYAI! semoga dipanjangkn umur & dimurahkn rezeki! AMIN! I L0veeeeeeeeeeeeeee youuuuuuuuu! (: ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Labels: ♥♥ Tuesday, October 13, 2009,
♥ 9:50:00 PM
supzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz! hv not been updating my blog for how many days! feeling lazy to update sumtimes! haha! skool was BOOOORING today! only 7 of us came! WTF?! ENG lesson, no teacher! CPA lesson, hv to complete a STORYBOARD! SCI lesson, do NOTHING! MATHS lesson, sooo MEREPS! currently chatting wif CHIRUL & playing TYPING MANIAC wif ISHQAL aka HULK! haha! da menang beh nk kerek! :DD yesterday, chatted wif ayat! he's so the IRRITATING! haha! Labels: masih CINTA ; Saturday, October 10, 2009,
♥ 10:30:00 PM
supzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz! well, just now went to afif's crib to celebrate his ADVANCED B'DAE! went there wif fa.tea.nah & bro.. arrived arnd 3+ like that, meet huda & zul den went up! saifful was there too! kiwak, kecohh sgt! watched INDONESIAN movie which we dont even understand wat they talking! haha! saifful kept asking me qns which i would'nt want to hear; asking me how did it happened! [ he said that he didnt even noe a thing! ] pelik uh dek nie! :D arnd 5+, we're about to go home when afif said that he wanted to cut the cake! so we waited! den arnd 5.30 like that kite blah! planned to go JP wif ******* & fa.tea.nah! since fa.tea.nah forgot her ez-link, i accompanied her back home to take it! ayat was walking wif us since he's gonna take MRT back home.. all the way, he just cant stop talking! asking qns that i dont like to talk about! haiya! ("_) met ******** at JP arnd 6.30, & went to banquet to eat! they cant stop laughing when aiman jokes! he kept saying; MEREPS, MEREPEKS! :DD 8.45, home sweet home! HAPIE ADVANCED B'DAE TO NUR FATINAH FATIN BTE ADENAN, aka Fa.Tea.Nah BEN 10! may ur wish cum true & god bless u! ILY sister! :D Labels: MEREPS;MEREPEKS Friday, October 9, 2009,
♥ 10:33:00 PM
FEEDAYUFANEE! supzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz! sorie for not updating! been busy wif my exams which started on monday! (".) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- monday was SCIENCE paper 1&2; difficult oi! tuesday was MATHS paper 1; okey uh. wednesday was CPA written paper; EASY! :DD thursday was MATHS paper 2; same as paper 1! friday no paper so need not cum to skool! :DD this monday will be our last paper & that is DNT! i dont noe how will it be like! hope its not as difficult as PRELIMS! ^^ ***************************************************************************************** well, for the past few wks alot of things happened! i SERIOUSLY dont UNDERSTAND why must it be this way! why must it be till like this?! its so OBVIOUS that we're drifting APART day by day! i dont want it to happen either! just rmbr this name; FEEDAYUFANEE! :DD " as we go on, we rmbr. all the times we had together. and as our lives change, come watever. we will still be, FRIENDS FOREVER! " Labels: i miss our fun-times TOGETHER ; Friday, October 2, 2009,
♥ 11:00:00 PM
HAPIE 41th BIRTHDAY papa! may god bless u & success in watever u do! AMIN! we LOVE u! fifi,aiman,adek :DD ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- overdue pictures will be uploaded nxt wk! inactive for the time being! ty! Labels: N-Level cuming dokk ; Thursday, October 1, 2009,
♥ 12:21:00 PM
supzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz! sorie for not updating! been busy lately as EXAMS are cuming! currently in computer lab having CPA lesson! (".) tuesday was my BIRTHDAY! cheyy, 16 alrdy seyy! haha! [ ckp sendiri siot! ] -------------------------- thx ppl for the B'dae wishes & for cuming to my house! i realie enjoy it! *PICTURES will be up in FB soon! :DD okey, gtg! |